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2022 health care trends report: Key takeaways from a study on the changing health care industry

What a difference five years can make—especially when two of those years are spent living in a pandemic. Allegion’s latest research explores the trends and challenges in today’s health care facilities.


To understand the state of the health care industry, Allegion surveyed health care professionals from leading health systems across the United States, including Ascension Health, HCA Healthcare, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Mercy Health, New York Presbyterian, St. Luke’s Health and Trinity Health. What they shared provides an insider’s view of the changing health care industry. It uncovers the trends and technologies health care facilities are using to meet the demands and expectations of today's patients.


Of course, a big part of this story is the impact of COVID-19 on facilities and operations. Door hardware played an important role in new infection control protocols—from hands-free door pulls to solutions for electronically monitoring and restricting access.


Before the pandemic, health care was already reshaping itself. It’s clear from the rise of electronics over the past five years and the interest in data that this health care technology evolution will continue.


Here’s a summary of the top health care trends. Want to learn more about what’s changing in health care? Access videos and download the full research report.


Download the ebook: 2022 Health Care Trends Report: A Study on How Health Care Facilities Are Using Technology to Meet The Demands Of The Changing Landscape.