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Restricted Product Training Resources

Access an array of training resources within Allegion's Overtur.

E-Validation, formerly 'mycredentials', has been replaced by a new and improved website:

Training videos to get you started and navigate the new site are available below. 


Steps when moving from e-Validation to Restricted Product:

  1. Watch "Getting Started" video.
  2. When creating your new profile, use the same email address as used in e-validation. Follow the steps shown in the 'Getting Started' video to set your new password.
  3. Once your email is verified, log into the new site where your accounts will be available (if you previously used e-validation).
  4. Bookmark the '' URL in your browser (Google Chrome™ is the preferred browser. Internet Explorer browser should not be used.).
  5. Set default shipping contacts and addresses for each account and start creating authorizations.