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Proptech 101: Protecting the Apartment Perimeter

Implement property technology for safer access


As the world becomes more connected, so do our homes. And with apartment security concerns on the rise, perimeter access control is essential to feeling safe. Safety and security go hand in hand with Proptech, or property technology: products and services for multifamily buildings that provide various experiences for residents, property managers and owners.


Whether residents, guests or delivery workers, it can be difficult to monitor access points to different areas of your apartment building without technology. Perimeter and common area security are a natural first step to introducing safety measures using Proptech. Perimeter security refers to controlling access around the outside of a multifamily complex, from the main entrance to all secondary entrances and tertiary openings.


Why is it important?


Feeling safe is a fundamental need, yet only 26% of millennial residents feel secure at home. Of respondents wanting additional security features, 72% were willing to pay 1-10% more for said security features in addition to their monthly rent, and 20% were willing to pay 11-19% more.


Start with smart locks for apartment doors and common spaces, then let your access control solutions grow with you. Overtime, your locks can evolve from offline to online for more advanced features. One day you might even have a smart building with everything connected and community Wi-Fi. But you don’t need any of that to get started today.


Things to consider:

Wi-Fi: Does the building have adequate Wi-Fi coverage to support a campus-wide activation? Keyless access, audit trails, no-tour functionality and mobile credentials are all available with offline solutions like Schlage® smart locks.


Hardware Options Based on Integration: Understand what hardware options are available based on the integration and manufacturer. Does the manufacturer offer the types of locks and door hardware the property needs?


Open architecture: Not all Proptech providers and manufacturers adopt an open and interoperable architecture. If a property owner chooses a Proptech provider that is proprietary to a select group of vendors, their choices will be significantly limited.


Code Compliance: The solution must also comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), fire safety code, and any local, state and federal regulations. Understand which technologies and manufacturers already offer products in compliance with these regulations.


Perimeter and common area access control is an excellent place to begin a Proptech journey. It’s at the core of every other experience. It works to create a safer living environment starting at the building entrance. However, it’s just one item to consider.

Ready to take the leap into Proptech for your multifamily building? 
Contact us to speak with a Proptech consultant.