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Proptech 101: Streamline your Multifamily Property Technology

Tie together the user experience with an easy-to-use app


When considering implementing property technology, or Proptech, into your multifamily complex, the end user should be considered. If residents and staff can’t easily utilize or understand the technology available to them, they’re less likely to use it. An app is an easy way to tie together each component of your property technology software and devices into a system that users can understand and easily access.


The ability to integrate all the functionality under one cloud-based app that can be used by owners, managers, staff and residents alike creates a seamless, holistic experience. It can be used as a one-stop-shop for everything from paying rent, accessing units and common areas, picking up packages, controlling smart devices, and more. However, you need to ensure that the Proptech components you select can be utilized with the app you choose.

Things to consider:

Access control: Integrated access control limiting building access to certain credentials and times will be critical to the success of the app and overall experience. If staff or tenants are required to use the app to unlock doors, they are far more likely to use the app for other functions.

Holistic building control: Consider the smart apartment technology—lights, thermostats, cameras—that will be installed in the building and ensure it can integrate with the chosen Proptech provider. Seamless integration will help with cost saving and user efficiency.

Total resident experience: Determine the most important functions residents will want or need to do on the app, including (but not limited to) pay rent, access their unit and amenities, track package deliveries and more.

Data Management: Consolidated data helps owners and managers draw insights and make decisions while keeping tabs on smaller tasks. Consider selecting a system that brings in data insights from a variety of sources into a singular dashboard. This data can include number and location of available units, lease expiration dates, maintenance tickets open and more.

Future proofing and scalability: Finally, invest in a system that allows you to scale over time or as behaviors and technology change. Look for a system with open architecture for future options and updates so you aren’t limited just to one provider.

A simple easy-to-use app can be a huge differentiator when it comes to attracting and retaining quality, high paying residents. Additionally, an integrated solution helps streamline data consolidation and management.

Ready to take the leap into Proptech for your multifamily building? 
Contact us to speak with a Proptech consultant.