
S1 Ep. 12 Digital Citizenship and the Next Generation: The Intersection of Cyber and Physical Security 

Published April 2024

Cybersecurity and online safety are more important than ever in today’s digital age. Today’s youth probably doesn’t remember a time when the world wasn’t digitally connected. The onset of the Internet as an everyday tool has opened a world of opportunities, both positive and potentially harmful.

With schools incorporating more digital tools into their daily routines, students and educators alike have a greater opportunity—and necessity to learn about cyber safety.

Continuing the topic of cybersecurity, Antoinette King, CISSP, PSP, DPPS, SICC joined Paul Timm in this episode of The Changing Face of School Security to discuss:

-        Cybersecurity education in schools, with an emphasis on digital citizenship and online safety

-        Converging physical and cyber safety in the digital age

-        The impact of the digital world on physical safety and mental health

Speaker Bio:

Antoinette King (CISSP, PSP, DPPS, SICC) is the i-PRO Director of Regional Sales East and Head of Cyber Convergence, author of the Digital Citizens Guide to Cybersecurity, and founder of Credo Cyber Consulting.

Connect with the guest:

Company Website: https://credocyber.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinette-king-cissp-psp

Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/credo-cyber-consulting/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CredoCyber

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