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Other Funding Opportunities


School Violence Protection Program (SVPP) 

Issued annually by the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), US Department of Justice, the SVPP grant is a federal grant program that provides funding for school safety equipment and measures in K-12 schools. The call for applications for this grant usually open in first quarter of the year and close in the second quarter.

Use for:

  • Security products & solutions
  • Electronic Access Control
  • Coordination with law enforcement
  • Metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other deterrent measures


STOP School Violence Program 

Issued annually by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), US Department of Justice, the STOP school violence program is a grant designed to improve school safety by providing students, teachers, and staff with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and prevent acts of violence. The call for application for this grant usually open and close in the second quarter of the year.

Use for:

  • Anonymous reporting systems
  • School threat assessments
  • Specialized training for school officials in responding to mental health crises
  • Training for school personnel and students to prevent student violence against others and self


School Security Assessment Grant Finder Tool’s Grants Finder Tool helps you find applicable funding opportunities to help keep your school community safe. The tool features a variety of Federally available school safety-specific grants that you can navigate based on school safety topic, award amount, application level of effort, and more. Grant Finder Tool
Stronger Connections Grant Program 

Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) is legislation that expands vital mental health services and provides additional support for States and districts to design and enhance initiatives that will promote safer, more inclusive, and positive school environments for all students, educators, and school staff.

The Stronger Connections Grant Program is one component of the BSCA. The program provides for state education agencies (SEAs) to competitively award subgrants to high-need local education agencies (LEAs). ng.

Use for:

  • Safety assessments
  • Security measures
  • Wellness initiatives
  • Safety and security planning


School Administrator Funding
Greenlights Grant Initiative 

The just keep livin Foundation's Greenlights Grant Initiative helps school districts nationwide access billions of dollars of available federal funding to create safer school environments and ensure the well-being of our children.


Greenlight Grant

Looking for more information? Our team of experts is here to help you. 

While Allegion cannot help school districts obtain funding, we are happy to answer any questions or connect you with our independent funding expert.