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Layered Security

Layers of Protection

Layered security has long been identified as a recommended practice for securing all types of buildings. This approach provides multiple security controls from the outside property line to the building perimeter to the classroom to protect students and staff. (PASS page 6, FED page 122)


1. Property perimeter

Perimeter security should deter or prevent those with criminal intent from entering the campus. Property perimeter barriers may include things like fencing, guard houses, shrubbery, sidewalks and lighting. 


2. Parking lot

It is important to have a strategy for securing areas beyond the building itself. Exterior areas of focus could include parking lots, walkways, outdoor gathering areas, etc.


3. Building perimeter

When ensuring the security of the building, it is critical that all perimeter doors can be easily locked. All visitors should be funneled to a primary entrance point where a vestibule is in use.


4. Classroom security

Securing classrooms and other areas inside the school are a vital last line of defense if an intruder gains entry.  Locks with recommended functions, visual indicators and training of students and staff are all vital components for securing classrooms.

Illustration of a educational building.
Each successive layer provides specific components to respond to adversarial behaviors.

Deter: stop the event before it happens

Detect: know something is happening and initiate a response

Delay: prevent the attack from reaching students and staff

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